SPTF Summary Evaluation Report 2011-14

This report presents an overview of the activities and programs of the Tulare and Kings Counties Suicide Prevention Task Force from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2014. The first sections review the SPTF’s mission, vision, goals, function, composition, history, and data on suicides in Kings and Tulare counties as well as two neighboring counties. Next the area covers the many outreach activities of the Task Force and the trainings it has offered. Finally, all of the programs that have been funded by the Task Force are reviewed.

The reader will be struck by the breadth and depth of activities that the Task Force has undertaken in the past 36 months, as well as in prior years, activities that were designed to reach the general populations of Kings and Tulare counties as well as the many different groups of people that comprise the populations of both counties. It is hoped that by providing a comprehensive review of what the SPTF has done in the past, including evaluations of its main programs, Task Force members will be more fully informed as they decide upon a course for the Task Force’s future, that will most effectively prevent suicide attempts and completions among residents of Kings and Tulare counties.