SOS Evaluation Report 2013-14

The SOS Signs of Suicide® Prevention Program (SOS) is an award-winning, nationally recognized program for middle and high school students. The program teaches students how to identify the symptoms of depression and suicidality in themselves and their friends, and encourages help-seeking through the use of the ACT® model (Acknowledge, Care, Tell). The program can be completed in one class period (less than an hour). There are separate versions of SOS for middle school students and high school students, with the middle school version modified to be appropriate for the younger age group and including a shorter video.

Both SOS curricula include a seven-question Brief Screen for Depression, which the students fill out and which is scored by school staff members and then reviewed by the School Counselor or School Psychologist. Students who score highly on the assessment are contacted by the School Counselor or School Psychologist and referred to an outside mental health care provider for screening by a clinician, if deemed appropriate.

This report is an evaluation of these efforts.